A Book By You May Be Just What Someone Like Me Needs to Read.

A local high school invited me to speak at their Career Day last month. While my presentation focused on various writing careers and possible academic routes for the students to consider, I also told them, regarding being a book author, “I hope you’ll go for it, but don’t quit your day job!”

That may sound negative, but the truth is most book authors do not come close to making a living off their books. Still, it's also true that a book can be a priceless gift to those who read it. A fiction story that inspires and entertains, a non-fiction read that illuminates and educates—the world will always need these gems.

I, for one, need them. Lately, I’ve been diving into several books that I know were put into my hands for such a time as this. They’ve blessed me and continue to help keep me afloat. 

Recently, something unexpected and heartbreaking happened in my family. The situation is deep and layered and will continue to unfold for a long time. At first, I felt like I had submerged into cold, deep waters with lead shoes. Though the circumstances have yet to change, I can say I am afloat once again. I am weary but breathing and clinging confidently (most days) to God and His grace, mercy, and wisdom.

When the unfathomable unfolded, I plunged deeper into prayer and Scripture—my lifelines. As I continue to lay out my pain and worry to God and soak up His Word, I feel seen and cradled in the gentle, compassionate, strong, and capable arms of my Maker. Over many years, the Bible has ministered to me like no other book ever could because it is living and active, God-breathed (Hebrew 4:12, 2 Tim. 3:16).

And God is using a variety of other books in my life during this season—books that reflect His heart and illuminate His beauty, goodness, and truth. He gave these authors something to say and the ability to write in a way that touches me and others. He opened doors and provided the opportunity to put their work out into the world…and into my life!

Amid this heartache I’m experiencing and walking through with a loved one, I’m reminded once more to focus on God and not the circumstances in front of my face. Filling my mind with truth from the Bible and other sources (have you watched The Chosen yet?) makes all the difference.

Here are the books I’ve read or am reading in this season so far:


-The Gift of Limitations - Finding Beauty in Your Boundaries by Sara Hagerty: I’m several chapters in. This honest read is insightful and thought-provoking with beautiful prose.

-Restored in Tuscany by Angela Correll: Read this meaningful, inspiring book with a glass of Italian wine or a cappuccino. You’ll be transported to Tuscany and feel like you’ve made a friend with substance. (You can check out a post I wrote about Angela here.)

-The Five Silent Years of Corrie ten Boom by Pamela Rosewell Moore: Anything written by or about Corrie is always a soul-booster for me.

-Emotionally Healthy Spirituality by Peter Scazzero: I am reading this as part of a study with my husband and three other couples. It’s an eye-opener and butt-kicker in the best way.

-Life Without Lack by Dallas Willard: I’ve been reading and rereading this gem a paragraph or chapter at a time and then chewing on it a while.

Historical Fiction:

LaDelle & Jubilant by Cathy McIlvoy: I see that eye roll, but let me explain. In March, I scheduled meetings with two book clubs over Zoom for a Q&A. Having not read the book since the editing process, I thought I’d better familiarize myself again with my story, including historical facts about George Washington Carver. As I reread much of the book, I was struck (again) by the true-life character of Carver and LaDelle’s struggle to surrender her short-sided desire for control, as this can reflect my own life. Yes, I wrote the story, but God equipped me to do it, and it inspired me! If you haven’t read this “…easy but engaging read with many insights into history and splashes of wisdom for today” as one reviewer wrote, I hope you will. Also, if you would be so kind, please add a rate/review of your own on Amazon and Goodreads if you like it. I’d really appreciate it.

If you have something on your heart, something you feel compelled to write, go for it! You may not be able to quit your day job, but I encourage you to move forward. Start the darn thing already, will you? And finish it. A book by you may be just what someone like me needs to read in the future.


Here’s a Challenge for You, Creative One:


Want to Know More About George Washington Carver? Here You Go: