Cathy McIlvoy Cathy McIlvoy

Here’s a Challenge for You, Creative One:

We never know how our creativity might bless others. Nope, we just never know.

The other day, I was deep in thought, writing the next great American novel (or something like that) at the little cafe inside the hospital. It was only noon, but it already felt like a long day. My husband and I woke up at five so he could check in at six…and then wait for over three hours to have surgery. By this time, I had received a call from the surgeon saying all went well, but I wasn’t allowed to see the patient yet. So I remained on my computer, typing away on my keyboard at a private table littered with my breakfast trash and more than a few crumbs. (There’s no tidy way to eat a croissant.)

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Cathy McIlvoy Cathy McIlvoy

A Book By You May Be Just What Someone Like Me Needs to Read.

A local high school invited me to speak at their Career Day last month. While my presentation focused on various writing careers and possible academic routes for the students to consider, I also told them, regarding being a book author, “I hope you’ll go for it, but don’t quit your day job!”

That may sound negative, but the truth is most book authors do not come close to making a living off their books. Still, it's also true that a book can be a priceless gift to those who read it. A fiction story that inspires and entertains, a non-fiction read that illuminates and educates—the world will always need these gems.

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Cathy McIlvoy Cathy McIlvoy

Want to Know More About George Washington Carver? Here You Go:

Since my book LaDelle & Jubilant was released this past August, I’ve received many comments and reviews that included a statement like, “I learned so much about George Washington Carver! Now I’m intrigued to know more.”

I love these responses because, as I wove George into my historical fiction novel, I hoped to entice readers to want to discover more about this noteworthy man. So, for those who would like some additional info, I’ve compiled a few resources for you in this post. Merry Christmas!

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Cathy McIlvoy Cathy McIlvoy

When Life Happens, It’s Okay to Hit Pause on Your Creative Goal.

“Don’t chuck your goals!” I get that it can be discouraging, but it’s okay to hit pause. Sometimes stepping back from a goal for a time will do you and the goal some good. When life happens and you feel you’re being handed a setback, perhaps you’re actually being blessed with a divine interruption.

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Cathy McIlvoy Cathy McIlvoy

Chick-fil-A, Miss Anne, and a Little Inspiration

“I choose to write about people whose values I respect and who do life-affirming work; my pleasure is to bear witness to their lives.” — William Zinsser, Writing About Your Life

Stories draw us in and evoke emotion and, hopefully, action. As a writer, I look for stories wherever I go as I observe people. Once in a while, though, I have the pleasure of being with someone who is willing to give up their story to me and tell me a bit about their life. Sometimes you just need to ask…

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Cathy McIlvoy Cathy McIlvoy

A Story Born Out of Adoption

On Sundays for most of my growing-up years, my parents would drive over to my Great Aunt Helen’s place to pick her up for church. Our car would tilt to the right as, with some effort and an “oomph,” she’d join me and one or two of my brothers in the backseat. Each week Aunt Helen brought with her three things…

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Cathy McIlvoy Cathy McIlvoy

There’s a Story in Front of Your Face and Within Earshot

I bet you notice more than you think. You see things. Hear things. Experience things. These “things” can be valuable gems for your writing. They are a gift to your readers if you learn to incorporate them in the right way, but you have to recognize them in the first place.

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Cathy McIlvoy Cathy McIlvoy

Stay the [Creative] Course! Here’s How:

This little hiccup turned inspiration served as a reminder of what I know to be true not only when it comes to writing but any creative, long-game endeavor. Maybe you could use this today regarding whatever you are endeavoring to create.

Three Things to Remember to Help You Stay the Course:

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Cathy McIlvoy Cathy McIlvoy

I Visited a Monastery to Recharge

It was a normal Monday with things to do and stuff to write. But, as I mentioned in my last blog (see Apr 9), I planned to skip town for the day and go to a local monastery outside of Bardstown, Kentucky. My goal was to take a few hours to focus on “being” more than “doing.” Just to be clear, I scheduled this time. I didn’t bail on any commitments or miss any deadlines. I blocked off my calendar in advance so I could spend some intentional hours in a quiet, beautiful place–guilt free.

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Cathy McIlvoy Cathy McIlvoy

Creativity Will Blossom With a Little Dormancy

Being dormant for a time can be productive. I read on the National Library of Medicine site that “Seed dormancy allows seeds to overcome periods that are unfavorable…” Creativity is like a seed. I will flourish better in my writing (and in life) by taking a little time to let it go dormant.

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Cathy McIlvoy Cathy McIlvoy

How Does This Five-Word Sentence Affect You?

Later that day, when we were back home, Ezra wanted to make a birthday card for Teacher Jackie. His mama said she’d tell him how to spell “Happy Birthday,” but he had a different idea. “I want to write something else,” he said. This was his message: 

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Cathy McIlvoy Cathy McIlvoy

Write. Retreat. Revisit. Rewrite. Repeat.

Do you have a writing rhythm? Over the years, I’ve developed mine. This rhythm–a writing dance of sorts–has served me well, so I thought I’d share it with you. It goes like this:

Write. I sit down and type out what I want to say or what needs to be said. My goal is to write something good, true, and beautiful for the common good (see Aug 20).

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Cathy McIlvoy Cathy McIlvoy

Are You Too Wordy? (Revised)

Several years ago, on a different version of my website, I wrote a blog post titled Are You Too Wordy? Out of over 50 posts, it received the most attention, and here’s my theory: Most of us either know we are too wordy in our written or verbal communication or wonder if we are.  

Can you relate? I’ve come a long way in this area of wordiness, but I know I can do better. This topic will always be pertinent, so here’s a fresh take on my original post… 

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Cathy McIlvoy Cathy McIlvoy

I Signed a Book Contract! Here’s My Journey (So Far):

LaDelle and Jubilant. That’s the name of my historical fiction novel set in Tuskegee, Alabama in the 1930s, and I am thrilled to announce that I recently signed a contract for my book with Elk Lake Publishing!

To borrow from the Beatles, the journey I’ve been on to get this story traditionally published has been a “long and winding road.” So long and winding that I often felt I could use some sort of literary Dramamine.

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Cathy McIlvoy Cathy McIlvoy

Thoughts on Writing Worthy—Part Two: A Look at Walt Stanchfield

My great-uncle was Walt Stanchfield. You may not know that name, but you’re familiar with his work. He was an animator for Disney for nearly 40 years, 20 of those serving as a teacher/coach for the animation department. If you’ve ever seen The Aristocats, Lady and the Tramp, The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh, or The Jungle Book, you’ve experienced Walt’s artistic talents. (For a list of 15 additional films he was a part of, check out

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Cathy McIlvoy Cathy McIlvoy

Thoughts on Writing Worthy–Part One

Words. Choose them well and string them together rightly, and something special can happen. I experienced that phenomenon a couple of Sundays ago at church when we sang Firm Foundation. The lyrics hit me hard in the best kind of way.

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Cathy McIlvoy Cathy McIlvoy

The World Could Use Your Imagination

Mark Twain said, “Write what you know,” but I hope what he meant was writing what you know is a good starting point. Personally, I get excited about writing what I want to know and can research. Mix in a good measure of imagination to that, and now we’re cookin’ (on paper). Experience, research, and imagination are the necessary ingredients to be able to write a good story.

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Cathy McIlvoy Cathy McIlvoy

Need Some Direction in Your Writing? Try Using a “Road Map”

I’m directionally challenged, and it can make for some frustrating moments and wasted time.

And yet…

When it comes to writing, I can create and effectively use a “road map” of sorts to take me where I want to go. (Winning!) This saves me time and frustration, and, in the case of fiction writing, especially, I’m given fuel for my creativity.

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Cathy McIlvoy Cathy McIlvoy

Perfection Is Not Your Friend

“ require perfection is to invite paralysis.” - David Bayles & Ted Orland, Art By Fear

Once upon a time, I lived in the Black Forest of Germany with my husband and our four sons…

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